The Guided Assistance Program (GAP) follows a model of flexible service delivery in which qualified students receive academic assistance in the form of organizational and study strategy training. Students also engage in diagnostic teaching and informal assessment work with a teacher in order to develop a learning profile. Students typically participate in this program for up to one quarter, and these students may qualify for a full case-study evaluation should this form of intervention lack the intensity and specification, which may only be received from Special Education Services.

    A student participating in GAP at the Winnetka campus will meet with a specially trained teacher two to three periods each week; at the Northfield campus may meet up to five periods each week. During the initial placement, the student will work with the GAP teacher in two separate capacities: the learning and application of study/organization strategies, and the informal learning profile assessment. Students will learn to chart and monitor their own progress, plan and prioritize assignment completion, prepare effectively for tests and quizzes, and become familiar with their own learning style and its implications towards academics

    Referral into GAP is through an Multi-Tiered Support Services (MTSS) meeting which includes an adviser chair, MTSS coach, school psychologist, social worker, and the student's adviser. Students are most successful in the GAP program when they are invested in learning new strategies to be successful in their classes.