Please refer to the "NTR FAQ's" and the "New Trier Rowing Handbook" links to the left for answers to many common questions.Sp
Spring 2025 Tryouts start Monday, March 3rd
Spring Registration is open!
Registration questions — Pamela Norris, Registrar registrar@newtrierrowing.orgGeneral questions — Shilpa Knigge, Communications newtrierrowing@newtrierrowing.orgParent Board President — Traci Knudson, president@newtrierrowing.orgGO NEW TRIER!!
New Trier Rowing program celebrates 20th Anniversary
Parents, coaches, current rowers, and rowing alumni celebrated the 20th anniversary of the New Trier High School Rowing program with a gala fundraiser at the Winnetka Community House this month. Hosted by the New Trier Rowing Parent Board, the event raised proceeds from current and former rowers and their families.
Full Name | Dept | Job Title | |
Sandy Culver | culvers@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Varsity Girls Head Coach |
Nate Kelp-Lenane | kelplenn@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Varsity Boys Head Coach |
Jamie Fargo | fargoj@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Varsity Boys Assistant Coach |
Grace Anne D'Amico | damicog@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | JV Boys Head Coach |
Hope Poor | poorh@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Girls Assistant Coach |
Mell Eckert | eckertm@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Girls Head Coach |
Josip Stolar | stolarj@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Boys Head Coach |
Mary-Beth Hartoon | hartoonm@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Boys Assistant Coach |
Michael Wyman | wymanm@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Boys Assistant Coach |
Rose Marchuk | marchukr@nths.net | Rowing | Assistant Coach |
Bryan Cheung | cheungb@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | JV Girls Head Coach |
Ryan Gallagher | gallaghr@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | JV Girls Assistant Coach |
Allison Elli | ellia@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Girls Assistant Coach |
Monica Schweitz | schweitm@newtrier.k12.il.us | Rowing | Novice Girls Assistant Coach |