New Trier 2030: A New Strategic Plan to Guide New Trier into the Next Decade and Beyond
On Jan. 22, 2019, the New Trier Township High School District 203 Board of Education adopted a new strategic planning document, New Trier 2030, that will chart a course for the future of New Trier High School over the next decade and beyond.
New Trier 2030 is the culmination of a school- and community-wide effort involving parents, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and New Trier Township residents who worked together to identify priorities for the future. Beginning in May 2018, a planning committee of 28 members began development of the plan by agreeing on a mission and vision and identifying six frameworks that encompass the work of the District as a whole: Intellectual Engagement, Growth, and Readiness; Student Personal Growth, Engagement, and Well-being; Culture, Climate, and Equity; Leadership Throughout the School; Community Engagement, Partnerships, and Governance; and Finance, Facilities, and Human Resources.
Nearly 5,000 parents, students, staff, alumni, and Township residents responded to the District's online Strategic Planning Survey in September 2018 to help identify priorities within each framework. Then in October, 110 community leaders, staff, and students from across the Township came together for a Community Focus Group Evening, where participants spent four hours having in-depth discussions about the frameworks and potential goals for the school. New Trier staff members shared their feedback during department meetings and a Staff Institute Day in November. All of this input informed the work of six Framework Committees comprised of 90 students, parents, staff, and community members who created core values and goals for each framework, reporting back to the Planning Committee.
The District will measure growth in the framework areas through a planning process that establishes priority goals and strategies each year. The Board of Education will review and approve these goals and strategies every spring and publicly evaluate progress toward the goals during regular Board updates on the plan. Once approved, the annual goals and strategies will be posted on this website. For the 2019-2020 Annual Plan, click here.
New Trier 2030 Mission and Vision
MISSION: To commit minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion, and lives to the service of humanity.
VISION: By creating a culture in which students discover purpose in their intellectual, creative, social, and interpersonal endeavors, we will develop in every graduate the skills and dispositions to lead meaningful, compassionate, and impactful lives.
Strategic Plan Documents
- New Strategic Plan - January 2018
- Strategic Planning Memo - January 2018
- Strategic Plan Update - April 2018
- Strategic Planning Memo December 2018
- Strategic Planning Presentation – December 2018
- New Trier 2030 PPT - January 2019
- New Trier 2030 Memo - January 2019
- New Trier 2030 PPT - January 2019
- New Trier 2030 PPT - March 2019
- Annual Plan 2019-2020
- New Trier 2030 June 2019 Update
- New Trier 2030: 15-Year Facility Framework – August 2019
- New Trier 2030 Equity Goals – September 2019
- New Trier 2030 Parent-Community Advisory Group – September 2019
- New Trier 2030 Profile of the Class of 2019 – December 2019
- New Trier 2030 Extracurricular Participation Report – December 2019
- New Trier 2030 Mid-year Update – January 2019
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