New Trier offers a variety of academic supports for students who may need extra help outside of the classroom. Many of these, such as the Academic Assistance Center on the Northfield Campus and the Reading and Writing Center on the Winnetka Campus, are available on a drop-in basis for any student who needs assistance. Teachers also are available to meet with students in department offices during the periods they do not have a class or before or after school in many cases.
For students identified as needing even more help, New Trier employs a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), an approach that includes a three-tiered model of school supports, problem-solving processes and an integrated data system to best serve students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. MTSS is not a separate initiative but rather a framework under which policies and procedures, assessment, and instructional strategies are integrated toward a common goal. Through MTSS, students may be referred to various supports and resources within and outside the school. Some of the academic resources to which students may be referred, such as GAP or Guided Study are listed in the left column on this page.