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Winnetka Campus becomes more energy efficient through new construction
(Posted 2017)
New Trier High School's Winnetka Campus is becoming more energy efficient by taking several recent measures.
- In the new building and existing, they have/will be adding 15 water bottle filling stations.
- In the summer of 2016, existing rooftop mechanical units were renovated and variable frequency drives on the fan motors and higher efficiency refrigeration compressors were installed. These items allow the high school to ventilate and cool the Tower and North buildings more efficiently.
- The HVAC system being installed in the new addition will have many energy saving components: ventilation will be based on demand (Co2 levels) rather than just using minimum/maximum set points. This will allow building staff to use smaller air handlers and have the ability to run them at lower speeds when the building isn't fully occupied.
- The use of chilled induction units in the classroom areas will also greatly reduce the need for air circulation. These induction units use water as the cooling medium rather than air, since water is much more efficient, New Trier will save energy.
- New high efficiency heating boilers have heat recovery, which allows the school to capture and use the heat that would normally go out to the atmosphere through the flue.
- high efficiency domestic hot water boilers were also installed. This allows the school to turn off the large steam boilers in the summer. Building crews previously used the steam boilers to provide domestic hot water, as well as heating.
- This summer, high efficiency hot water boilers will be installed in two mechanical spaces in the Tower building. This will allow the school to take the Tower, North and Bickert Gym building off the aging steam system. Building crews will heat and cool the Gaffney Auditorium with the boilers and chillers that were installed last year in Phase 1 of the new building.