About Student Activities


    Extra-curricular offerings have always been an integral part of New Trier High School's culture. Student activities, along with athletics and performing arts, were established almost simultaneously with the founding of the school.

    The hallmark of New Trier's Student Activities Program is its profound depth and breadth. There is an opportunity for every New Trier student who chooses to become involved. Many organizations have a history and tradition upon which they continue to build and grow, with some directly related to our first extracurricular options. Other clubs have been formed more recently to meet the ever-changing interests of today's students.

    Exclusive of the opportunities in athletics, intramurals and performing arts, there are more than 150 different extra-curricular activities at the Winnetka Campus. These range from student government to competitive academic teams to publication, political/activist, ethnic/cultural or special interest clubs. The Northfield campus has more than 20 clubs that meet regularly. Students at both campuses are encouraged to attend clubs at either location.

    Behind these active groups is a cadre of dedicated sponsors who are truly interested in providing students with an educational experience, one that broadens their involvement and enriches their lives. During each school year, the officers and heads of school organizations receive formal and informal training in leadership skills. Additionally, at monthly Winnetka Campus Club Head Luncheons and in other venues, activity officers and boards have the opportunity to meet with leaders from other New Trier clubs and organizations.