Parking/Traffic Map
Project Information
Architectural Drawings of the Project
New Trier is working with architecture firm Wight & Company, assisted by Cashman-Stahler Group and HOK. These drawings continue to be refined as the project progresses but reflect the District’s vision for different portions of the new facility.

Project Timeline
Initial preparation work for the project will begin over winter break 2021-2022, and the District will break ground for demolition and construction in January 2022.
Project Funding
The estimated $75 million project is being funded through existing District resources provided by taxpayers without the need for a referendum.
The majority of the project is being funded by alternate revenue bond proceeds with annual debt service payments of approximately $2.9 million from existing District revenue sources. Due to the District’s strong financial stewardship, these bonds received the highest rating, Aaa, meaning they were sold at the lowest possible interest rate.
The District also will use $14.5 million from bond proceeds through the debt service extension base portion of the existing tax levy and $8-12 million from district reserves. This funding model, which has been used at many peer schools for similar projects, will allow the District to take advantage of historically low interest rates and maintain its strong financial position.
Board Presentations and Documents
The District regularly updates the Board of Education on the progress of the East Side Academic and Athletic Project and presents bid packages and financing plans for Board approval. This page contains links to Board presentations, memos, and documents presented from the time the Board approved the project in February 2021.
Board of Education Presentations
- September 2023 Presentation
- August 2023 Presentation
- May 2023 Presentation
- April 2023 Presentation
- March 2023 Presentation
- February 2023 Presentation
- January 2023 Presentation
- December 2022 Presentation
- November 2022 Presentation
- October 2022 Presentation
- November 2021 Presentation
- August 2021 Presentation
- July 2021 Presentation
- June 2021 Presentation
- April 2021 Presentation
- February 2021 Presentation - Project Approval
Board of Education Documents and Memos
- October 2022 Memo
- November 2021 Memo
- November 2021 - Bid Package #2 Results
- October 2021 - Financing Memo
- September 2021 Memo
- August 2021 Memo
- July 2021 Memo
- June 2021 Memo
- June 2021 - Bid Package #1 Results
- April 2021 Bond Sales Report
- April 2021 Moody’s Bond Rating
- February 2021 - Financing Memo
- February 2021 - Financing Plan
Monthly Construction Reports
Kinetic Wellness and Athletics During the Project
Students will have access to the full array of Kinetic Wellness classes and Athletic opportunities during the Winnetka Campus East Side Academic and Athletic project. While some classes, practices, or competitions will move during construction, all sports and classes that are typically offered will continue to run.
New Trier has adapted spaces at both campuses for students participating in Kinetic Wellness classes and Athletics. For example, the Bickert gymnasiums at the Winnetka Campus, which are not part of the project, will be extensively used for classes and practices. Competitions can also take place at both campuses, with the Northfield Main Gym having undergone recent upgrades such as floor replacement and new basketball backstops.
The District also is being creative with its use of space to serve student programs. The Winnetka Campus wrestling room will serve as a temporary weight room, and a temporary cardio room will be installed in one of the larger rooms in the lower level of the Bickert gyms. The strength and conditioning program already has adapted to an outside space at Northfield and will continue to use that space when weather allows. One of the gyms will include a climbing wall for outdoor education.
This November 2021 presentation to the Board of Education includes photos of adapted spaces on both campuses as well as more information on the specific spaces different sports teams will use during construction.
Neighborhood Information and Meetings
New Trier is committed to being a good neighbor and maintaining a safe neighborhood environment throughout the project. The District held meetings in January 2021 and April 2021 to discuss the project’s scope, timeline, and benefits with residents living in the neighborhood surrounding the Winnetka Campus. Their input helped shape the final proposal the Board of Education approved in February.
The District and Pepper Construction, the project’s construction management company, will continue to hold regular meetings with neighbors for the duration of the project and will send email and regular mail updates in advance of any potential traffic disruptions, which should be minimal.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2 starting at 7 p.m. Neighborhood residents should look for more information via email and regular mail soon.
If you have questions about the project, please contact Neighborhood Liaison Niki Dizon at or 847-784-2666.