Library Department Equity Goals

September 2022 - June 2026
The New Trier Library is committed to fostering equity and inclusivity. We are actively revising our organizational systems to ensure they reflect contemporary values and respect diverse perspectives. This includes reevaluating outdated classifications that may perpetuate historical prejudices. Reorganization of our materials will increase the function and browsability of our collection in connection with academic curriculum.
Status: In progress
September 2021 - June 2023
The New Trier High School Library will actively promote institutional equity goals by aligning with monthly observances. Through book discussions, activities, curated displays and online resources, materials will foster inclusivity, celebrate diverse cultures and provide educational opportunities for students and staff alike.
Status: Complete and ongoing
September 2019 - June 2022
The New Trier High School Library is committed to collecting diverse books and materials, and believe it is crucial for fostering inclusivity and understanding. It ensures that all New Trier students, regardless of their background, can find literature that reflects their experiences, identities and perspectives. This not only validates the diverse identities within our community but promotes empathy, tolerance and cultural awareness among students. By featuring diverse characters and works by diverse authors, we are broadening the horizons of our students and preparing them to thrive in an increasingly diverse world.While we have always purchased materials that are representative of different perspectives and identities, increased intentionality on purchasing these materials since the equity strand of New Trier’s Strategic Plan was articulated has been identified.
Status: Complete and ongoing