Equity Plan 2019-2025

  • August 22, 2019

English Department Long‐term Equity Goal - Sep 2019 - Aug 2025

  • The strategic plan asks every department to set its own equity goal. The equity goal should be focused on how students experience issues of equity both in our curricular materials and through our instruction, and be able to articulate that in a consistent manner across department year groups and levels.

    As such, and in keeping with the desire to see both curriculum and instruction benefit from a focus on equity, we propose a 5 to 6‐year plan to explore and understand equity as foundational to our instruction, and to evaluate, research, articulate, implement, and communicate equity concepts across our four‐year sequence to form a cohesive whole.

    Below is a proposed timeline, open to modification as we proceed, and in keeping with the open and collaborative process we expect as an English Department.

  • Phase 1: Year 1

  • Phase 2: Year 1

  • Phase 3: Year 2

  • Phase 4 Year 2

  • Phase 5 : Years 3 & 4

  • Phase 6: Year 4

  • Phase 7: Years 5, 6

  • Phase 8: Year 6