Contact Us

  • General:  Feel free to contact any of the TARP officers listed at right, or any of the Steering Committee members listed under the link at left.  Suggestions for activities and agenda items for future Steering Committee meetings are also welcomed via this route.

    Directory:  Every other year, in the fall, a secured directory is published listing all members and spouses of deceased members (should they wish to be included). Corrections, additions or deletions to this directory should be sent to Laura Cravens at New Trier High School 847-784-2667, or emailed to her at .

    "Emergency" news , as described in the prologue to the phone tree, should be sent to Matt Ottaviano   at his e-mail, phone, or home address as noted in the directory.  Messages may also be left on the voice mail 847.784.2344

    Questions and comments about TARP web site? Email the web developer Boris Spektor