Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at New Trier! The information on this page will help you prepare for the new school year and should answer any questions you may have about schedules, necessary purchases, iPads, transportation, fees, athletics, activities, performing arts, and more.
Augie Fontanetta, Director of Athletics fontanea@nths.net 847-784-2226
Athletic Registration Information- Registration for Fall Sports is open now. All students must be registered online and have an updated physical on file before tryouts or practice. Physicals are valid for 395 days.
Fall Sport Start Dates and Tryout Schedules
- Sport specific tryout/practice schedules are available on the New Trier Athletic Department website under Athletic Team Pages. Contact the head coach of your respective sport with any questions about tryouts or practices for the fall season.
- The New Trier Booster Club’s mission is to enhance the New Trier High School experience by fostering spirit, sport, and tradition within the New Trier community. Parents can learn more about how to join by visiting the Booster Club webpage.
- For information pertaining to sports medicine, please contact Head Athletic Trainer Dale Grooms at groomsd@nths.net
Attendance Reporting Hotline 847-784-2286
- Junior Assessment Information
- State ACT
- Information about standardized testing and registration dates.
Michael Ferguson, Beck’s Account Manager fergusom@nths.net 847-784-2340
Veronica Garcia, Campus Manager garciav@nths.net 847-784-2340
https://www.newtrierbookstore.com/Art Students- Art kits may be required for individual courses, and photo kits will be required for all courses. Information on both will be provided in class during the first few days of school.
- Art and photo supplies can be purchased at the NTHS Bookstore.
Calculators for Mathematics- TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculators
All students in math courses are required to have the TI-30X IIS calculator for classroom instruction, activities, and assessments. - TI-NSpire CAS Handheld Calculators:
Students in the following courses must also have a handheld TI-NSpire CAS calculator for classroom instruction, activities, and assessments:- Algebra 2 and College Algebra with Trigonometry (level 4)
- Analytic Geometry, PreCalc & Discrete Math (levels 3 and 4)
- Intro to Calculus and Statistics (level 3)
- AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Statistics
- Multivariable Calculus & Linear Algebra
- TI-NSpire CAS iPad App and the Desmos App
Students may use these apps (available on school iPads) for some class activities and homework. However, teachers may restrict iPad use during assessments.
A handheld calculator is necessary for the ACT, SAT, and AP tests, as iPad use is not permitted for these exams.
English Department Summer Reading / Book Purchase- As part of the summer reading program, each English course has a required summer text to read. This preparation is essential for discussions, activities, assignments, and assessments during the first days of school. The 2024 Summer Reading Guide outlines the expected reading activities for each text.
- English books can be purchased from our bookstore, Beck’s, over the summer or during the school year. Note that book requirements may vary between sections of the same class and between different classes.
- Students who change schedules may need to return unused books and purchase new ones. Teachers will inform students about any additional books that need to be purchased if they are not already listed for the course.
Kinetic Wellness Uniforms & Locks- For all Kinetic Wellness classes, except Outdoor Education and Dance classes, students must have a navy blue KW uniform shirt. KW uniform shirts can be purchased at campus bookstores.
- Every student will need a combination lock for their KW locker. Locks must be purchased from our bookstore (previously purchased bookstore locks may be used).
Dance Attire & Locks-
- Northfield Campus Dancers (KW1/Dance and KW1/Dance 2)
You will be charged $14.00 on your fee bill and automatically provided with a 2023-24 Dance Uniform Shirt. These will be distributed during the first week of classes, and a variety of sizes have been ordered. This uniform is required to be worn daily. The Kinetic Wellness shirt does not need to be purchased. - Winnetka Campus Dancers
If you already own the black Dance Division uniform shirt, it should be worn to class daily. If you are new to dance, extra dance shirts will be available for purchase from your dance teacher during the first week of school.
- Northfield Campus Dancers (KW1/Dance and KW1/Dance 2)
Dance Lab Students
- You may wear the Dance Division shirt but are also required to wear leotards. These can be purchased from local shops that cater to NTHS and offer discounts, such as Allegro Dance Boutique in Evanston and Body & Sole in Northfield.
Black leggings, yoga pants, footless tights, or simple straight-leg athletic pants (e.g., Adidas, Champion, Russell) are preferred. These are available through dancewear stores such as Allegro Dance Boutique and Body & Sole, or from retailers like Amazon, Target, and Walmart. Shorts are not allowed.
Every student will need a combination lock for their KW locker. Locks must be purchased from our bookstore (previously purchased bookstore locks may be used).
Music & Theatre Department Concert Wear Fittings – August 2024, Winnetka Campus Music Wing- All students enrolled in a music ensemble course need school-issued concert attire for their performances. If you already have your attire from a previous school year and are satisfied with the fit, you are all set for the 2024-25 school year!
- If you are an incoming freshman, need a new size, or are switching to an ensemble with different attire, you must complete the Sizing Form to help us order the correct number and sizes for our fittings in August. The fitting dates are as follows:
- Monday, August 12: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Wednesday, August 14: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Wednesday, August 21: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM*
*First day of student attendance. Early dismissal schedule
- We will send an email to all music students over the summer with a form to sign up for a fitting time on one of these dates. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Concert Wear Coordinator, Sarah Kropski, at kropskis@nths.net.
Trevian Trackers- The annual NTHS student calendar and planner, known as the Trevian Tracker, includes important dates and information all students need to know. It covers the block schedule, modified schedule dates and times, and answers to common questions such as:
- "What do I do if I lose my student ID card?"
- "Where is the lost and found located?"
- "How do I request a transcript?"
- The planner is available for purchase from the bookstore, while supplies last. Incoming freshmen do not need to purchase a tracker; it will be provided to them.
One Stop Trev Shop- A student-run center for extended learning, offering students the opportunity to develop employability and entrepreneurial skills while earning a paycheck. Students manage and work in our retail spaces, designing, sourcing, and producing New Trier-branded clothing and accessories.
- Parents, students, and community members can shop online or pick up items at our Winnetka Campus or downtown Glencoe locations starting the first week of school. Please check the website for updated opening hours at each location.
Dale Edens, Quest Food Service Director dedens@questfms.com 847-784-2288
Pia Fazio, Operation Manager pia.fazio@questfms.com
For all student lunch account inquiries contact Pia Fazio or Dale Edens- Visit the QUEST Food Service website for:
- Nutrition information
- Allergy details (Top 8 allergens listed on all menus)
- Food program options and prices
- Instructions on adding money to a student’s account online via Web Store
New Trier Food Services Hours- Northfield Campus
- Student Café: 7:30 – 8:15 a.m.
- Breakfast Cart: 7:30 – 8:15 a.m.
- Lunch Periods 3 & 7 (Blue and Green): 11:30 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.
- Lunch Periods 5 (Anchor Day): 11:30 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Winnetka Campus
- Trevian Commons: 7:00 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
- Trevian Coffee Bar: 7:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
- Breakfast Cart: 7:30 – 8:15 a.m.
- Trevian Café: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Lunch Periods 2 & 6 (Blue and Green): 10:20 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Lunch Periods 4 (Anchor Day): 11:05 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Quest Classroom Catering - Catering services are offered for student advisories, club meetings, birthdays, special meetings, or events. Orders can be picked up in the cafeteria in the morning using school ID or cash, saving you the hassle of shopping. - Visit the QUEST Food Service website for:
Analia Elizalde, Northfield Health Services elizalda@nths.net 847-784-7513
Rebecca Boston, Winnetka Health Services bostonr@newtrier.k12.il.us 847-784-2111
Health Forms- All forms can be accessed on the Student Health website under Health Forms.
Incoming Freshmen- Physical Exam Form: Required for all incoming freshmen. Submit by the first day of school.
- Dental Form: Required for all incoming freshmen. Submit by the first day of school.
Seniors- Meningitis Vaccine: Required for all seniors. Two doses must be administered on or after the 11th birthday, or one dose on or after the 16th birthday. Submit prior to the first day of school.
Transfer Students- IL Certificate of Child Health Examination Form: Required for transfers with a physical completed within 1 year of transfer.
- State of IL Eye Examination Report Form: Required for students transferring from outside Illinois, completed within 1 year prior to enrollment. Submit by the first day of school.
- Required for both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
- Requires parent and physician signatures.
Gail Gamrath, Associate Principal - Northfield gamrathg@nths.net 847-784-7503
Dan Weidner, Associate Principal for Academics and Administrative Services - Winnetka weidnerd@nths.net 847-784-2215ID Cards- Freshmen can have their ID pictures taken on the first day of school or during iPad orientation.
- Students receive a new ID card in Advisery each year.
Hall Lockers- Northfield Campus: Hall lockers will be assigned on the first day in Advisery.
- Winnetka Campus: Students can request a locker via the 2024-25 Locker Request Form during the first two weeks of school. Students who were previously assigned a locker do not need to request again.
- All students must have a New Trier-issued iPad to access daily class resources. The District partially subsidizes the iPad purchase, which includes an iPad, wireless keyboard, a durable case, and 4-year AppleCare protection. Learn more here.
- Families will schedule iPad pickup and training when purchasing through New Trier’s iPad Purchase Portal. Note: Students pick up their iPad during scheduled training.
- Students are required to complete the iPad Orientation course (via Canvas) before the school year begins.
Mobile Learning Program Help Line-
For assistance, contact ipadhelp@nths.net or call 847-784-2399.
- Explore a variety of creative and collaborative extracurricular opportunities that match your interests.
Auditions for Plays and Musicals
- Our productions include dramas, comedies, musicals, and a student variety show.
- Join the stage crew and discover how to build sets, paint scenery, and operate sound and lights for all performances. No prior experience is required. The first crew opportunity begins on August 13, before the first day of school.
Jill Cervantes, Department Chair of PHSC phsc@nths.net 847-784-2234
- Next Steps for Seniors: Tuesday, August 27, 6:30 PM, Gaffney Auditorium, Winnetka Campus. Student and parent attendance encouraged.
- College Financial Aid Webinar: Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 PM.
- Fall Job Fair: Wednesday, September 18, during all lunch periods, outside Winnetka Student Cafeteria.
- CHOICES Fair for Students with Learning Differences: Tuesday, October 8, Niles North High School. Visit www.postsecondarychoices.org for details.
- Next Steps for Juniors: Wednesday, November 13 OR Thursday, November 14, 7:00 PM, Gaffney Auditorium, Winnetka Campus. Student and parent attendance encouraged.
- PHSC Sophomore Parent Night: Wednesday, January 22 OR Thursday, January 23, 7:00 PM, Gaffney Auditorium, Winnetka Campus.
- GAP Year Fair: Saturday, January 25, 12:00-3:00 PM, Gaffney Auditorium and Student Cafeteria, Winnetka Campus.
- Spring Job Fair: Wednesday, February 26, during all lunch periods, outside Winnetka Student Cafeteria.
- Special Education/Post-High School Counseling Night: Wednesday, March 13, 7:00 PM (tentative date).
2024-25 School Fees
$252 Due July 31, 2024- General/Activity Fee ($222): Partially funds course supplies, science lab materials, academic field trips, class projects, required testing materials, ID cards, class institutes, and transcripts. Also covers materials and supplies for extracurricular activities, student clubs, athletics, and performing arts. This fee includes free admission to home athletic contests and select music and performing arts performances.
- New Trier Parent Association Dues ($35): Supports exam snacks, parent programming, student directory, contributions to the Angel Fund, and the NTHS scholarship fund. Also funds additional senior programming and the NTPA graduation party.
Additional Fees- Driver’s Education Fee ($500): For behind-the-wheel instruction through New Trier.
- Marine Biology Fee ($475): For scuba instruction in Marine Biology class.
- iChinese Reader ($35): For students enrolled in Chinese language courses.
- Aktiv Chemistry app ($25): For certain Chemistry courses.
- Oakton Dual Credit ($25): Application fee for Oakton College Dual Credit or PLTW courses.
- MHFA Booklet ($13.50): Required for juniors in Health/Kinetic Wellness 2 or Health/Dance courses.
- KW/Dance 1 Uniform ($14): For students in Dance 1 & 2 courses.
- KW Uniform Rentals ($1 per item): Charged when students need to rent KW shirts, shorts, or shoes.
- KW Lock Purchases: Available for purchase from the KW department.
- E-textbooks, other electronic media, and additional KW uniform rentals will be added to student fee bills as needed.
Fee Bills- Invoices are sent monthly by email to parents/guardians.
- Payment plans are available for large balances or multiple students.
Payment Methods- Online Payments: Credit card payments can be made through the PowerSchool parent portal.
- Mail Checks to: New Trier High School, Attn: Registration Fees, 7 Happ Rd. Northfield, IL 60093.
- Cash/Check Payments: Accepted at the Northfield Campus, Security Door D, between 9 AM and 3 PM.
Accessing Schedules- Schedules will be available through the PowerSchool web portal starting August 5th. Instructions will be emailed to all parents/guardians using the provided email address. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will receive instructions via their New Trier email. Freshmen will receive their New Trier email address at the start of the school year.
- In PowerSchool, click on “24-25 Schedule” in the left menu to view your schedule for the upcoming year.
- Schedules will list courses by class period, and teacher names will be shared on the first day of school.
- Schedules will not be viewable on the PowerSchool mobile app until the first day of school. Please view schedules through the PowerSchool web portal.
- Errors or Insufficient Majors: If you notice an error in your schedule due to data entry issues or missing majors, email adminservices@nths.net by Friday, August 9th. We'll attempt to correct errors before the first day of school. Otherwise, your adviser will assist with changes on the first day.
- Further course change requests will be limited.
- Before August 9th, parents can submit requests for other changes via PowerSchool via the Parent Schedule Change Request Form - 2024-25 School Year.
- After August 9th, please write to your adviser your request which will be reviewed the week of August 19th when advisers return to campus. Adviser may not be able to make changes until after the first day of school. Written requests or emails can also be shared with your adviser the first day of school.
- Requests will be reviewed with consideration of a number of factors (e.g. prerequisites, seat availability, fit in schedule). It is possible that this request may not be able to be fulfilled.
- Visit the Academics and Administrative Services page for semester schedule change request information.
- Class periods may be adjusted before the first day of school to balance sizes, while courses remain unchanged.
- Freshman schedules will include an 8-block day; any missing blocks will be filled with Study Hall.
- Guidebooks will be distributed shortly after school begins via email and online.
ID Cards
- ID pictures for freshmen can be taken during the 1st day of school and during iPad orientation
- Students receive a new ID card in adviser room every year.
- Northfield campus, hall lockers will be assigned the first day in adviser room.
- Winnetka campus, students who request a locker will need to go to Room 217 during the first two weeks of school.
Michael Ferguson, Beck’s Account Manager fergusom@nths.net 847-784-2340
Veronica Garcia, Campus Manager garciav@nths.net 847-784-2340
Ordering Course Materials:- The website is available for orders.
- Families are strongly encouraged to purchase texts, eBooks, and other materials by July 31, 2024, to guarantee delivery before the start of classes.
How to Order:- Beck’s makes it easy to order students’ course materials. Simply use your student's ID number.
- Visit: https://www.newtrierbookstore.com/
- Select "Shop Now," enter your student’s ID number, and click the “Go” button.
- Your student’s name and schedule will appear. Click “Add Course Material” to view and select required books and supplies.
- Add items to your virtual shopping cart.
- Existing customers can log in to complete the checkout process. New customers should create an account for each student.
- Orders over $150 qualify for free shipping.
- Digital textbooks will be delivered to students before the start of the school year.
Bookstore Location, Hours, and Access:- Winnetka Campus: Located in Room W021A.
- Summer hours until August 16th are 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
- After August 16th, hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Enter through the Trevian Way Entrance; all visitors must sign in at the security kiosk.
- Northfield Campus: Located in Room C101L.
- Closed during the summer.
- Hours after August 16th are 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday).
Refunds:- Books can be returned with a receipt for a full refund within 7 business days from the date of purchase.
- Once an eBook code is redeemed, it is non-refundable.
Transportation Services
Bus Services Registration-
The deadline to register for bus services was Tuesday, July 9th.
Alltown Bus Service, Fees, and Routes- For information on Yellow bus services, PACE bus services, and Metra Rail, please visit New Trier’s website.
- Bus routes will be emailed to parents in August.
Ventra Cards- PACE offers a reduced fare for students. Ventra cards for the 2024-25 school year are now on sale and will be delivered to your student’s advisor. Click here to purchase a Ventra card.
- Maps and details for parking, traffic flow, and pick-up/drop-off zones are available for:
Trevia 2025 – YearbookYearbook Sales- Trevia 2025 is on sale NOW through December 20, 2024.
- Books are $55 each and can be ordered at www.yearbookordercenter.com (enter school code 8859).
- Books will be distributed in school at the end of May.
- Preordering by December 20th is the only way to guarantee your student a copy. A very limited number will be available for students who did not preorder.
- Contact Trevia advisor Kevin Bond with questions at bondk@nths.net.
Senior Portraits- Seniors should arrange for their senior yearbook portrait with Stuart-Rodgers Photography.
- Contact Stuart-Rodgers Photography by emailing info@srphoto.com or calling 847-864-7322.
Senior Portraits Deadlines- August 21st - Last day to take a photo and be able to select your own pose or have a retake.
- September 14th - Absolute last day to be photographed.