Kinetic Wellness Equity Goals
The Kinetic Wellness/Dance Department will continue to develop the equity catalog and develop lessons that will align with the equity themes for our monthly observances. Examples of lessons within each month’s toolkit will be addressed at our KW meetings and retreats.2023 COMPLETED and IN PROGRESS:
The Kinetic Wellness/Dance Department has moved into their new facility and each teacher will revisit locker room policies with all students. We will review practices, policies and procedures centered around appropriate language around gender and gender identity.We will continue adding materials to the equity catalog that will align our lessons with the equity themes for each month’s observances.
We have begun work on developing and adding materials to the equity catalog that will align our lessons with the equity themes for each month’s observances. We have begun compiling a curricular catalog that will help each course team engage students in activities that celebrate diversity and build a larger sense of community within our classes.The Kinetic Wellness/Dance Department will review and restructure locker room policies and procedures. We will investigate ways to make the locker room a more welcoming, safe space for students. We will review practices, policies and procedures centered around appropriate language around gender and gender identity.
The KW Department will continue to work towards our own personal understanding of how our racial biographies and biases impact our teaching. We will share course activities within our department that reflect on how lesson plans related to cultural differences worked in our classes. As we enter a construction phase next year, we intend to go back to looking at the layout of our locker rooms and to finding ways to make this area a safe and welcoming facility for all our students.2020 IN PROGRESS:
The Kinetic Wellness Department will take a closer look at equity as it relates to their own classrooms. We will write and reflect on our own racial biographies and the biographies of our students. We will develop activities and discussion questions that will serve as pathways to building relationships with our students at the beginning of each year.