
  • Philosophy

    The New Trier Special Education Department recognizes that each student learns in a unique way. As such, we provide a full continuum of services to students who have been found eligible for special education. The Special Education Department is committed to providing a supportive environment in which our students can develop academic, social, emotional, vocational, and life skills. Our goal is for all students to become self-aware, self-advocating and independent learners.


    Eligibility for services is determined by procedures established by federal and State of Illinois Special Education Rules and Regulations. The New Trier Special Education Department serves students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

    Continuum of Services

    Most students learn in the general education classroom; however, some students require classroom accommodations, curricular modifications or a specialized curriculum. Special education services are provided within the least restrictive environment to the greatest extent possible. Students in special education who meet graduation requirements earn a standard New Trier diploma. A continuum of services is used to address individual student needs. This continuum is always considered for students on an individual basis by his/her IEP team. Enrollment in any special education courses is based upon recommendations from an IEP team meeting. 


    Special Education Course Offerings can be found here .

    Transition Services

    Every student's special education teacher assists parents and students in post-secondary planning. A transition/vocational coordinator is also available for special education students and their parents.

    Extended School Year Services (ESY)

    Extended school year services are provided during the summer months for students who qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

    Related Services

    These services include but are not limited to speech and language, social work, assistive technology, physical and occupational therapy, orientation and mobility, adaptive kinetic wellness, psychological services and support from instructional assistants.